Upcoming Events Walkspace Erratics

Minimal Traffic Meander: in and out of the city with Badnote Choir

For November’s Erratic, Simon Jefferies (AKA The Badnote Choir) shows us the unthinkable: a Birmingham without cars. Join us on November 25th to assert your pedestrian privilege.

Birmingham is still a city very much dominated by the car. It may not be the most pedestrian friendly place but if you go out looking it is possible to discover a parallel, car-free city of towpaths, alleyways, green corridors, piazzas and footbridges. On this walk, Simon Jefferies (AKA The Badnote Choir) will share how his search for traffic-free dog walking routes led him on an unexpected creative journey.

First I was a musician

Then I was a musician with a dog

Dog got me interested in photography, and between us we devised a method of getting into town and back to take pictures of buildings, and random items, whilst avoiding as many roads as possible

Dog (Siri) is sadly no longer with us, but I may borrow one for the occasion

Join us, and enjoy this artist/dog created circuit

Bring a camera

Bring a dog if you want

And your explore boots

I hope even the most avid investigative walker will discover some new aspect

We will traverse; parkland, alleyways, underpasses, footpaths, towpaths, squares, bridges, piazzas, damwalls and stairs (sorry not wheelchair friendly)

Meet outside the Deaf Cultural Centre on Ladywood Road (B16 8SZ) at 11am on Saturday November 25th.

As this is a lengthier route than usual (approx 5 miles), we’ll be splitting it into two halves with a lunch break in Centenary Square. The full route is a circular one, ending back at the starting point in Ladywood. Those who prefer a shorter walk are welcome to come just for the first 2.5 mile section and leave us in the city centre. For those joining us for the full circuit, we aim to be finished by 2:30/3pm. Then there’s the option of going to The Vine Inn for a post-walk pint.

No need to book, just turn up!